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Core content of corporate cultureDifferentiated marketing 

(DM)On the basis of equal communication, ensure that the information is true and comprehensive, be unique and fascinating, and try every means to break the routine and reflect the attraction and shock.Better-than-expected service 

(BTES)Understand the pain points and desires of customers, formulate preventive plans while solving problems, and provide value-added services while meeting customer expectations.Transposition feeling (TF)Change roles before conveying information to the other party, and try to accept the same information to see if it can achieve the expected effect. Below expectations, improve until you are satisfied.Quality ring 

(PDCA: Plan, Doing, Check, Action)Plan: fully grasp the resources, think about the best scheme, create feasible conditions, and reflect the direction, purpose and constructiveness.Execution: keep in mind the purpose, think hard, go all out, complete the plan, and show enthusiasm, rigor and initiative.Inspection: check whether the work content meets the relevant standards and whether the purpose is achieved.Submit: summarize the work results and report all the work results, so as to communicate effectively and achieve the predetermined goals.Prevention and correction 

(PC).Preventive measures: Be good at finding potential deficiencies and making preventive plans to avoid undesirable phenomena.Corrective measures: analyze the causes of problems, put forward corrective plans, and profoundly sum up experiences and lessons.Effective communication mechanism

 (ECM)The expression of meaning is true and complete; Information transmission is accurate and timely; Scientific and reasonable allocation of resources; Team cooperation is smooth and efficient.

BS: Best Solution (bs)Seek the best route, draw up the best plan, achieve the best results and reach the best state.

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